Get Your Virtual Business Card Today.

Create your own custom online business card, link it to a QR code and much more!

Virtual Business Card Pages

Create your own unique & highly customizable online business card with ease.

  • Custom colors & branding
  • Multiple ready-to-use components
  • SEO settings
  • Password protection, sensitive content warning

Shortened links

Yes! You can use our service as a shortener as well.

  • Scheduling & expiration limits
  • Country, device & language targeting
  • A/B Rotation
  • Password protection, sensitive content warning

QR Codes

Fully featured QR code generator system with easy to use templates.

  • Custom colors with gradients
  • Custom logo
  • Vcard, WiFi, Calendar, Location..etc templates

Built-in analytics

Easy to understand, yet detailed and comprehensive analytics for all your links. GDPR, CCPA and PECR compliant.

  • Countries & cities
  • Referrers & UTMs
  • Devices & operating systems
  • Browsers, Languages

Tracking pixels

All the links easily integrate with any of the following pixel providers.


Join VirtuaCard Today.

4.99 39.99 0 USD
  • Unlimited Biolink Pages
  • Unlimited Biolink blocks
  • All Biolink Blocks
  • Unlimited Shortened Links
  • Unlimited File Links
  • Unlimited Vcard Links
  • Unlimited Event Links
  • Unlimited QR Codes
  • Unlimited Projects
  • Unlimited Pixels
  • 999 days statistics retention
  • 0 Additional domains
  • Custom Back-half
  • Deep linking
  • Removable branding
  • Custom Backgrounds
  • Custom branding
  • Custom colors
  • Dofollow links
  • Leap link
  • SEO Features
  • Extra fonts
  • Custom CSS
  • Custom JS
  • Indepth Statistics
  • Links scheduling & limiter
  • UTM Parameters
  • Password protection
  • Sensitive content
  • No ads
  • API access
Choose plan
0 0 29.99 USD
  • Unlimited Biolink Pages
  • Unlimited Biolink blocks
  • All Biolink Blocks
  • Unlimited Shortened Links
  • Unlimited File Links
  • Unlimited Vcard Links
  • Unlimited Event Links
  • Unlimited QR Codes
  • Unlimited Projects
  • Unlimited Pixels
  • 1,000 days statistics retention
  • 0 Additional domains
  • Custom Back-half
  • Deep linking
  • Removable branding
  • Custom Backgrounds
  • Custom branding
  • Custom colors
  • Dofollow links
  • Leap link
  • SEO Features
  • Extra fonts
  • Custom CSS
  • Custom JS
  • Indepth Statistics
  • Links scheduling & limiter
  • UTM Parameters
  • Password protection
  • Sensitive content
  • No ads
  • API access
Choose plan